GPT-3 tells me a story, does not disappoint

GPT-3 tells me a story, does not disappoint

  The following is the result of my literal first attempt of playing with the new GPT-3 AI text generator. It was produced using the AI Dungeon. Text in bold is the prompt I entered, everything else is produced entirely by GPT-3. The longer paragraphs were...
Virtual Reality and my blown mind

Virtual Reality and my blown mind

I got the HTC Vive Virtual Reality headset a few months ago. As someone who grew up through the first iterations of the internet, mobile phones and so on, it’s hard to really blow my mind with a new piece of consumer tech. Sure, things like VOIP and instant...
No Man’s Sky and the Simulation Theory

No Man’s Sky and the Simulation Theory

 So, um, this now exists. Here, in 2016:  No Man’s Sky, a video game that automatically generates unique planets, complete with their own unique terrain, native animals and culture. A game whose algorithm generates over 18 quintillion possible...

Jaclynn Moskow & PNIA thoughts

I was extremely unsure which side to believe in all of this when it first came out a couple of days ago, and I’ve been following it closely as I had recently confirmed to play on the show next week in Vegas. I had never met nor knew anything about Jaclynn, but...


 Pokernews asked me recently if I can do any accents.It all got a little out of hand, and my apologies if I butchered yours…Video below.  


 Today, during my daily facebook clownabout, this pretty animated graph caught my eye:  As a friend pointed out, it was clearly a kid playing with a spirograph: .That aside, this animated spiral graph is a big deal. It shows the average global...